
Did You Make The Grade? The 3 Grades Of Ankle Sprains

Your ankles are imperative parts of your body's movement, but you probably do not place much importance on this joint. Unfortunately, it takes a great deal of abuse over the course of one day just while walking, running, standing, and moving. Due to this, it is easy to see why an estimated 25,000 people sprain their ankles each day. Treating this injury will depend on its severity, which is measured in grades.

Got Ingrown Toenails? Symptoms, Causes, Prevention & Treatment

Ingrown toenails occur when the edge of a nail grows into the skin. The medical term for this affliction is onychocryptosis. The condition may cause pain or discomfort, and if left untreated, it may lead to infection. If home remedies do not help, or if pain, swelling and redness occur, it's best to see a podiatrist for proper treatment. There are several possible causes for ingrown toenails, such as wearing shoes that do not fit properly or trimming toenails incorrectly.

4 Ways To Manage Bunions Without Surgery

Bunions can range from mildly annoying to seriously debilitating. Regardless of the level of pain and annoyance that your bunions elicit, there are a number of ways that you can manage your bunions without having to result to having intensive surgery. Here are a few methods that can help you manage your bunions day-to-day. Orthotics Orthotics can help slow or stop the progression of your bunions by addressing the instability that causes the deformity.

Common Symptoms Of Fallen Arches And Why You Don't Want To Ignore Them

About 20% of adults have fallen arches, otherwise known as flatfoot. It can stem from childhood or start in adulthood, and it causes a variety of problems. Here are the best ways to tell if you have fallen arches, the common treatments, and what can happen if you choose to ignore the symptoms. Do You Have Fallen Arches? Home testing In some adults, it will be visible that your foot has lost its arch, or you may notice your ankle rotating inwards.