Are Bunions And Calluses Making You Feel Unattractive? Make Over Your Feet

If the bunions on your toes make you feel uncomfortable about your looks, makeover your feet. Bunions don't just cause pain and irritation when you walk—the growths can also alter your feet. If you have calluses on your bunions, you might feel even more uncomfortable about your toes. Learn more about bunions, calluses, and how making over your feet can help get rid of them. What Are Bunions and Calluses?

Tips For Preventing Athlete's Foot This Winter

Between a pair of extra thick wool socks and snow boots that could keep your feet warm in the Arctic, you make sure your feet are warm during the winter. Unfortunately, while you're busy concentrating on preventing frostbite you're overlooking another common issue: athlete's foot. Athlete's foot is a fungal infection caused by the tinea fungus. It is common in athletes, which is where the infection got its name, but you can still catch it throughout the year.