Different Ways a Podiatrist Can Treat Diabetic Feet

Diabetes, a pervasive and enduring ailment, plagues millions across the globe. One complication of diabetes is diabetic foot problems. These issues can include minor discomfort and serious infections that may lead to amputation. As a result, proper foot care is crucial for individuals with diabetes. This post explores different ways a podiatrist can treat diabetic feet to ensure optimal foot health and minimize the risk of complications. Regular Foot Examinations

How Can A Podiatrist Help You Manage Your Rheumatoid Arthritis?

If rheumatoid arthritis affects your lower legs and feet, then you can add a podiatrist to your medical team. How will a podiatrist help you manage your condition?  Symptom Management Rheumatoid arthritis can cause problems with the lower legs, ankles, and feet. While medications might help you manage pain, they won't always relieve your underlying symptoms. For example, you might have trouble walking normally. Your feet might feel stiff and sore.

Why Diabetics Need To Watch Out For Toenail Fungus

If you have diabetes, you should meet with a podiatrist to go over proper foot care. Diabetics are more prone to poor circulation and nerve damage in the extremities, which means that if your feet get injured, they can get infected easily. One condition you should be on the lookout for is toenail fungus, or onychomycosis. At first glance, toenail fungus may seem like just a cosmetic issue since it causes discoloration and thickening of the toenail, but it can be a serious issue for diabetics if it isn't addressed.

What Causes Foot Drop And Treatments A Podiatrist Might Use To Help The Condition

Foot drop is a condition where you are unable to lift the front part of your foot when you walk. It can affect one or both feet, and the condition can make it difficult for you to stay mobile. Foot drop can be mild or severe, and it sometimes is caused by an injury that may heal on its own. However, it's good to see a podiatrist for proper care. Here are some causes of foot drop and treatments that your podiatrist might recommend.

What You Need To Know About Ankle Sprains

Turning your ankle during a sporting event or a misstep when walking can result in excruciating pain. When your ankle is rolled or overstretched, it tends to pull the ligaments and cause a sprain. While this injury mainly affects athletes, it can happen to anyone. Understanding ankle sprains will help you know when to call a podiatrist. Here is some basic information on ankle sprains. Types of Ankle Sprains When you pay a visit to a foot doctor, they will run a few tests to determine the type of ankle sprain you have.

Steps To Follow For A Successful Recovery From A Bunion Surgery

A bunion forms when the bones of the big toe are moved out of place and a bony bump develops. While minor bunions can be treated by wearing special shoes or padding the affected area, severe bunions that are causing a lot of pain require surgical removal. If your podiatrist has recommended bunion surgery to correct a severe bunion on one of your feet, it is in your best interest to be prepared.

Tips To Strengthen Your Ankle After A Break

After you've had a broken ankle, it can be easy for your ankle to get injured again. This is because your ankle isn't as strong as it once was. To help you strengthen your ankle after you have had a break, you most likely had some sort of therapy. After that therapy ends, however, your ankle may weaken again because you aren't doing what is necessary to keep it strong. To help strengthen your ankle and prevent it from breaking again, read on for some helpful information.

Are Bunions And Calluses Making You Feel Unattractive? Make Over Your Feet

If the bunions on your toes make you feel uncomfortable about your looks, makeover your feet. Bunions don't just cause pain and irritation when you walk—the growths can also alter your feet. If you have calluses on your bunions, you might feel even more uncomfortable about your toes. Learn more about bunions, calluses, and how making over your feet can help get rid of them. What Are Bunions and Calluses?

Tips For Preventing Athlete's Foot This Winter

Between a pair of extra thick wool socks and snow boots that could keep your feet warm in the Arctic, you make sure your feet are warm during the winter. Unfortunately, while you're busy concentrating on preventing frostbite you're overlooking another common issue: athlete's foot. Athlete's foot is a fungal infection caused by the tinea fungus. It is common in athletes, which is where the infection got its name, but you can still catch it throughout the year.

Money Matters: 3 Tips When You Need Bunion Surgery With Limited Resources

Many people struggle with painful foot ailments, such as bunions, but are either uninsured or their insurance might decline or delay covering surgery. In the meantime, there are ways you can reduce pain or utilize other resources to have surgery. Try Non-Surgical Options In the case of being denied by your insurance, you might need to prove that you have tried other methods to manage your bunions before surgery is approved.

Got An Ingrown Toenail? 3 Things You Can Do

There are many things in this world that can be painful, but there are few things more painful than an ingrown toenail. This is particularly true when you get ingrown toenails on a recurring basis. Ingrown toenails can quickly become infected, making them even harder to treat. Once it becomes infected, it is imperative that you seek medical attention. However, if you have an ingrown toenail that is not yet infected, there are some things that you can do at home to minimize the pain, prevent an infection from occurring, and possibly avoid the ingrown toenail from coming back again.

You May Need The Help Of A Foot Doctor To Get Your Foot Fungal Infection Under Control

Fungal infections of the feet are fairly common. Plus, they are highly contagious, so they are easy to catch if you go barefoot in public places. Many times, you can treat a fungal infection with products you buy over the counter. Sometimes, it's necessary to see a foot doctor for treatment. Here's why seeing a foot doctor is often a good idea. To Keep The Fungal Infection From Spreading One concern with having a fungal infection between your toes is that the fungus can spread under your toenail.

3 Easy Ways To Make Your Heel Feel Better At Home

If your heel is hurting due to an injury, there are a few ways that you can make it feel better all on your own at home without going into the doctor. Here are a few things that you can do until you make it to the doctor's office to get the heel pain more officially treated. #1 Ice Your Foot Ice is great for sore muscles and injuries, including on your foot.

Several Important Questions About Treating Your Hammer Toe

When you are unfortunate enough to start suffering from feet problems, you may find that your quality of life is severely impaired by these issues. Hammer toe can be a particularly common problem that people may develop over their lives, and if you have found yourself suffering from this condition, you may want to improve your understanding of this painful and disruptive foot problem. What Does It Mean For A Patient To Suffer From Hammer Toe?

Alleviate Pain Associated With An Ingrown Toenail And Promote Healthy Nail Growth

If your large toe on your foot has an ingrown toenail and you are finding it difficult to wear your regular footwear without being in pain, resolve the issue at hand by alleviating pain, trimming the affected nail, and promoting healthy nail growth by following the steps below.  Materials shallow plastic tub epsom salt warm water soft towel foot cream cuticle tool toenail clippers emery board open-toed shoes Soak Your Foot And Massage The Skin Around The Toe

The Danger Of Your Cat Biting Your Feet

Cats can be playful and charming creatures to have in your home, but they can also cause a lot of damage with unwanted behaviors. One common problem pet owners experience is cats deciding that their pet parent's moving feet are a target to be bitten and scratched. While this may seem like a momentary inconvenience and a bit of discomfort, it can actually cause a lot of serious health problems. If your cat is attacking your feet on a regular basis, read on to learn what you must do to protect your health.

Did You Make The Grade? The 3 Grades Of Ankle Sprains

Your ankles are imperative parts of your body's movement, but you probably do not place much importance on this joint. Unfortunately, it takes a great deal of abuse over the course of one day just while walking, running, standing, and moving. Due to this, it is easy to see why an estimated 25,000 people sprain their ankles each day. Treating this injury will depend on its severity, which is measured in grades.

Got Ingrown Toenails? Symptoms, Causes, Prevention & Treatment

Ingrown toenails occur when the edge of a nail grows into the skin. The medical term for this affliction is onychocryptosis. The condition may cause pain or discomfort, and if left untreated, it may lead to infection. If home remedies do not help, or if pain, swelling and redness occur, it's best to see a podiatrist for proper treatment. There are several possible causes for ingrown toenails, such as wearing shoes that do not fit properly or trimming toenails incorrectly.

4 Ways To Manage Bunions Without Surgery

Bunions can range from mildly annoying to seriously debilitating. Regardless of the level of pain and annoyance that your bunions elicit, there are a number of ways that you can manage your bunions without having to result to having intensive surgery. Here are a few methods that can help you manage your bunions day-to-day. Orthotics Orthotics can help slow or stop the progression of your bunions by addressing the instability that causes the deformity.

Common Symptoms Of Fallen Arches And Why You Don't Want To Ignore Them

About 20% of adults have fallen arches, otherwise known as flatfoot. It can stem from childhood or start in adulthood, and it causes a variety of problems. Here are the best ways to tell if you have fallen arches, the common treatments, and what can happen if you choose to ignore the symptoms. Do You Have Fallen Arches? Home testing In some adults, it will be visible that your foot has lost its arch, or you may notice your ankle rotating inwards.